We will provide a walkthrough on how to complete each dungeon quest, including which can be picked up inside the instance or outside in Azeroth, where each quest is turned in, and any notable rewards. This guide will specifically cover quests you can complete inside the Dire Maul dungeon, including Alliance-only quests, Horde-only quests, class-specific quests, quests with lengthy pre-requisite chains, and profession-specific quests. We have detailed guides for each wing, including boss strategies, loot lists, and in the case of Dire Maul North, a walkthrough to the so-called Tribute Run, where your group will sneak through the dungeon to ensure better loot at the end. The dungeon itself has three wings, each noted by where is their entrance when you enter the Dire Maul area in Feralas: East, West, and North.

It is located deep within the forests of Feralas and is considered one of Classic's first "catch-up" instances, containing many pieces of notable gear.

Dire Maul is a 5-man dungeon in WoW Classic, made available on Tuesday, Oct. Welcome to Wowhead's quest guide for the Classic WoW dungeon, Dire Maul.