The Connector then starts the "correct" SAP ECTR. The alternative to the files ectr_env.txt and ectr_setenv.bat is to use the Connector.

The start environment of SAP ECTR 5.1 has been adopted as far as possible.

The following describes what has been changed / replaced and how the new technology works. The starting procedure of SAP ECTR 5.2 has been fundamentally redesigned. Installing the latest SAP ECTR 5.2 version All libraries used (such as felix) have also been upgraded to the latest released version.All customer-specific classes must be checked, adapted if necessary and recompiled in any case.SAP ECTR 5.2 can no longer be started on computers that only support 32-bit.

Impact of the introduction of Java 11 on the existing installation: Use of Java 11 as Java runtime environment (JRE) Users who hardly need any changes and are satisfied with the "small" (upscaled) icons can store the "5.1er" images-sap.jar file and the "5.1er" images.jar file renamed to \customize\classes\.The mapping of the customer-icons.txt file must be modified according to the structure above.New customer-specific symbols are also required for customer-specific extensions if these are to be displayed "well" with HiDPI.Information for users who demand large icons:.There is a fallback in SAP ECTR 5.2 to upscale small icons.The structure in the symbol config file standard-icons.txt and customer-icons.txt has been changed.It is possible to pack both structures into one JAR file in order for the system to be compatible with the 5.2 and 5.1 frontend.Images are stored in the image folder in the format image.png and (double size).